Workforce +
The Survey of Employers who have Recently Advertised (SERA) is an ongoing survey of employers and recruiters, that collects information on their recruitment experiences who have recently advertised a vacancy.
Survey results are used to produce insights on the labour market conditions faced by employers and recruiters, and to identify occupations and sectors experiencing skills shortages.
The Australia Government has more information about the SERA at
This research is being conducted for the Australian Government’s Jobs and Skills Australia by the Social Research Centre.
Master project template 2: insight 1. 25% of … say that … this is a test.
Master project template 2: Of those who were a part in activities, around 1 in 5 were representing their town, city or state.
1 in 10
Master project template: An upward trend in student interest in x,y,z and 1 in 10 students mentioned that this was a sample insight.
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Who is hiring for those with disabilities?
Who is hiring for those with disabilities?
Name of report
An extended report title text will go here.
Full Analysis Report
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Full Analysis Report
Exposure and the impact on attitudes of the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires
Full Analysis Report
Exposure and the impact on attitudes of the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires
Full Analysis Report
Exposure and the impact on attitudes of the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires
Employers and recruiters who have recently advertised vacancies are randomly selected to participate.
If your business has been selected, you will receive email and SMS invitations to complete the survey. The Social Research Centre will also attempt to complete the survey with employers and recruiters over the phone.
The collection statement for SERA can be found here.
The Social Research Centre
1800 023 404
Who should complete the survey?
We are looking to speak to the person at your organisation who was responsible for the recruitment of the position mentioned in our survey invitation.
The survey collects information on experiences in hiring for this specific vacancy, the number of applications received, qualifications for the role, etc.
How long will the survey take to complete?
The survey will only take around 10 minutes to complete.
How are the survey responses protected?
All survey responses are kept confidential by users of the final data, no businesses/employers are identified in any published reports.
Information about the protection of responses and data security can be found in our collection statement here.
My business is a recruitment agency, am I eligible to complete?
Recruiters play a vital role in filling vacant roles in the Australian economy and we encourage recruitment agents to participate.
I’ve recently completed the survey, do I need to complete it again?
As part of our selection process, we need to speak to employers and recruiters across a range of occupations and regions. From time to time, we may select the same employers and recruiters to ensure that we get a representation from all key occupations and regions.
What is the SERA used for?
You can find more information about the SERA at the Jobs and Skills Australia website:
Aggregated information collected from employers is used for a range of purposes including as part of the evidence to inform the Skills Priority List. It is also used to inform government policy on addressing skills shortages and improving recruitment processes. Information collected as part of SERA is also used in producing analysis for various other Australian Government publications and programs and includes the following: Skills Shortage Quarterly Report, Labour Market Quarterly Update, and the Annual Jobs and Skills Report.
Further questions?
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the Social Research Centre on 1800 023 040, or email
General FAQs