Social Research Centre

Gain insights with Life in Australia™

Ensure a true representation of the Australian population is reached in social research projects of national significance.

Pattern of blue semi circles with various sizes creating data wave formations.

Life in Australia™ – Ideal for a range of surveys

With 10,000 panellists nationally, we can achieve up to 7,500 completed surveys at any given time.

The average length of surveys conducted on the panel is around 15 minutes. However, the panel can be used for a range of survey lengths and types.

These include:

  • Cross-sectional surveys
  • Omnibus questions
  • Longitudinal research
  • Experimental design

Life in Australia™ is unique

Excellent Coverage

Unlike other commercially available online panels in Australia, Life in Australia™ includes adult Australians with and without internet access. 


Those without internet access or with limited computer literacy are able to complete surveys via telephone.

A grid of different sized blue circles.

Scientifically Sampled

Life in Australia™ is recruiting using probability-based sampling methods. This means every Australian has a chance of being invited to the panel. Our statisticians use advanced methods and tools to calculate sampling errors and confidence intervals that truly reflect the precision of estimates generated from the panel.


The methods used to recruit, conduct and maintain the panel, as well as techniques used in data processing and producing survey estimates, are available to clients and are shared publicly. 

Life in Australia™ data is regularly made available on the Australian Data Archives (ADA).

Life in Australia™ methods summary documentation can be found here


A ring of eight, blue ellipses.

Expertly Curated

The panel is used exclusively for the purpose of social and health research. All Life in Australia™ surveys are reviewed by our expert team of survey researchers and methodologists and programmed in-house. This allows us to monitor the quality of surveys conducted on the panel to ensure a consistent experience for our panelists.

Crowd of people crossing the street with blue graphics over the top to represent diverse voices.

Life in Australia™ is for you

When you want reliable results

Results obtained from Life in Australia™ can be relied upon to inform decisions and be published with confidence. This is thanks to the near-full population coverage, everyone having a chance of being invited and the transparency of the methods.

When you want fast results

Data collection is undertaken over a two-week period, with multiple reminders sent across different media to encourage participation and maximise response. This data collection period is much faster than address-based samples allow while being long enough to obtain high response rates. Data preparation, weighting and technical reporting are standardised to expedite delivery of outputs.

Because it’s cost-effective

Most panellists complete surveys online, making the panel much more affordable than other probability-based methods. Because panelists answer a set of profile questions when they enroll, and every year thereafter, a range of up-to-date profile variables are available to append to the data. This means that standard demographic questions do not need to be asked, reducing the costs associated with questionnaire length.

Member testimonials


Grid of image showing diversity of Australian people.

For more information download our full Life in Australia™ pdf brochure.

Contact us

Life in Australia Team from left to right Dale VanderGert, Dina Neiger, Sam Slamowicz, Anna Lethborg, Benjamin Phillips

For a quote or further information about placing questions on Life in Australia™ contact us:

Our Team: Dale VanderGert, Dina Neiger, Sam Slamowicz, Anna Lethborg, Benjamin Phillips

Telephone: 03 9236 8500

Anna Lethborg
Research Director, Life in Australia™

Benjamin Phillips
Operations Director, Life in Australia™

Dale VanderGert
Research and Operations Manager, Life in Australia™

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