The Social Research Centre/ማእከል ምርምር ማሕበራዊ ጕዳያት

Research innovation

We have both the methodology and technology to capture the voice of Australia. We have in-house expertise in a wide range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, supported by a highly skilled team of researchers, evaluators, statisticians, programmers and technical specialists.

Life in Australia™

Life in Australia™ is at the centre of our research methodology. As the country’s most methodologically rigorous and representative online panel, Life in Australia™, represents the voice and views of the nation.

Leading innovative social research to advance our understanding of Australian society and support evidence-based policy development, for the benefit of all.

Methods research

Rows of micro blue ellipses with some missing.

Interactive data storytelling

How do you use 3000 survey responses to represent the whole population of Australia?

Seven tumbling blue ellipses in different sizes.

Understand the contemporary accuracy of established and emerging survey methods and determine whether there had been a diminution of the advantage of probability-based approaches over time. 

Blue duotone image of a person writing on a whiteboard.

Evidence and Matching Methods for Controlling Self-Selection Effect in a Quasi-Experimental Design

Research services

We have in-house expertise in a wide range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, supported by a highly skilled team of researchers, evaluators, statisticians, programmers and technical specialists.

Five rows of different sized blue dots.

Questionnaire design and testing

Four different sized, tumbling blue ellipses.

Survey research

Two large blue ellipses with rounded sides touching.

Cognitive interviewing

A ring of eight, blue ellipses.

Qualitative research

Six rows of different sized blue ellipses.

Data analytics

A scattered group of twelve blue ellipses.

Data visualisation and reporting

Eight solid blue ellipses.


A grid of different sized blue circles.

Data management
