The Social Research Centre/ማእከል ምርምር ማሕበራዊ ጕዳያት


National Workforce Census


We are looking at the purchase of a washing machine. Having the facility to wash clothing that has become sandy or muddy through play or messy from fruit juice, garden soil or paint will encourage children to fully involve themselves in learning opportunities. It will mean that children who, through illness, end up with soiled clothing, can be comforted to know that their clothing can be laundered immediately. Without a washing machine at the kindergarten, we need to rely on families to take our washing home several days a week and launder tablecloths, cleaning clothes etc. This creates inequity between those families that have plentiful time and those managing multiple jobs. And finally, having a machine available that will be connected to town water will mean that we can aid our families during times when they have limited water available at home due to drought.
– Preschool, QLD

We would like to purchase a wooden waterways play set and wooden water & sand set. These Australian-made timber resources are open and accessible for multiple ages. By including the loose parts of the wooden waterways into our outdoor environment, children are able to explore scientific concepts of motion using a variety of objects to create tracks for rolling or following the flow of water. Children are able to experiment and explore cause and effect amongst other concepts with beautiful more sustainable toys that will eventually break down and not be left in landfill as like similar toys that are made out of plastic. These resources will help children to think, problem solve, experiment, create and enjoy a natural resource in their play. We would also like to purchase a multi-sided outdoor easel. A feature that appeals to us is that it is easily height adjustable. This is particularly helpful for us as our outdoor space is multi-age and shared between our youngest infants to our kindergarten children. The trays are also removable which supports safe and easy access for wheelchair users as we can adjust the height to suit all children. We would like to thank you for this opportunity to purchase these new resources that support children’s play, learning and development.
– Centre-Based Day Care, VIC

We would intend to purchase some outdoor safety products such as new crash mats, as the weather conditions deteriorate such items quite quickly in our climate in the Far North.
– Centre-Based Day Care, QLD

We have an emerging focus on sustainable practice in our program. Part of our Quality Improvement Plan is to acquire a composter to allow us to manage food waste in the most sustainable way. We would love to use the funding towards a composter which is suitable, plus a few things we need to get our recycling re-established with the current group of children.
– Outside School Hours Care, TAS

We would like to invest this back into the literacy learning of children from 6w – 5 years. The prize money could be spent on books towards celebrating diversity within our world and perhaps even some culturally inclusive toys such as dolls or games to match with these books to ensure that their learning of diversity is further embedded.Our Children love sitting down and reading, there is never is sometimes never enough books to go around.
– Centre-Based Day Care, ACT
