The Social Research Centre/ማእከል ምርምር ማሕበራዊ ጕዳያት

Darren Pennay

Founder & Methods Adviser

Research, Methods & Strategy

Darren is an expert survey methodologist and has worked in social research and survey design since 1984. From 2010 to 2015, Darren played a leading role in the introduction of dual-frame telephone surveys to Australia. More recently he has been the driving force behind the establishment of Australia’s first probability-based online panel – Life in AustraliaTM. In 2014 he was awarded the Research Industry Council of Australia’s Research Effectiveness Award for Innovation and Methodology. In 2019 Darren was awarded the inaugural AMSRO Jayne Van Souwe Research Industry Leadership Award.


He is an Honorary Professor in the Practice of Survey Methodology, ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods and an Adjunct Professor with the University of Queensland’s Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR). He is also a Fellow of the Research Society and has QPMR (Qualified Practicing Market Researcher) accreditation.
