Kituo cha Utafiti wa Jamii

Utafiti wa Ufuatiliaji wa Tumbaku wa Taasisi ya Saratani

Je, umewasiliana nawe ili kushiriki?  

Maeneo ya Utafiti

Afya +

Sera +

Hali ya Mradi

Mviringo mkubwa wa samawati dhabiti.
Mviringo mkubwa wa samawati dhabiti.
Mviringo mkubwa wa samawati dhabiti.
Mviringo mkubwa wa samawati dhabiti.
Mviringo mkubwa wa samawati dhabiti.

The research is being conducted to understand behaviours, attitudes and knowledge about smoking. To do this, we need to understand more about the use of tobacco among smokers and recent quitters living in NSW and the ACT, their experiences of quitting, their knowledge of health issues related to smoking, and other issues related to tobacco smoking.




Malengo + Matokeo

The information collected in this study will be used by the Institute to develop programs to reduce the incidence, and negative impact of smoking among people in New South Wales and the Australian Captial Territory.


The Cancer Institute NSW has contracted The Social Research Centre to conduct the telephone interviews required for this survey. You may have received a phone call from 0290608403 or 0290608404 regarding this study.



Kiolezo kikuu cha mradi 2: maarifa 1. 25% ya … sema kwamba … hili ni jaribio.


Kiolezo cha 2 cha mradi mkuu: Kati ya wale ambao walishiriki katika shughuli, karibu 1 kati ya 5 walikuwa wakiwakilisha mji, jiji au jimbo lao.

1 kati ya 10

Kiolezo cha mradi mkuu: Mwelekeo wa juu wa maslahi ya wanafunzi katika x,y,z na 1 kati ya wanafunzi 10 ulitaja kuwa huu ulikuwa sampuli ya maarifa.


Mwanamume na mwanamke walio na tatoo wanakumbatiana kwenye ufuo wa mchanga.
Ishara iliyopigwa kwa mkono kwenye nyasi.
Mwanamume anayetabasamu akishuka ngazi akiwa amevaa miwani ya jua ya samawati.


Jina la ripoti

Nakala ya kichwa cha ripoti iliyopanuliwa itatumwa hapa.

Ripoti Kamili ya Uchambuzi

Mfichuo na athari kwa mitazamo ya Mioto ya Misitu ya Australia 2019-20

Ripoti Kamili ya Uchambuzi

Mfichuo na athari kwa mitazamo ya Mioto ya Misitu ya Australia 2019-20

Je, umewasiliana nawe ili kushiriki?

Nani anashiriki?

An Australian company that provides phone numbers for market and social research has supplied us with a list of mobile numbers. Some of these have been randomly generated, and others have been verified as belonging to NSW/ACT residents.

We’re calling on mobile phones so we can get a representative sample of people across NSW/ACT.

Je, ni faida gani?

Kiolezo cha 2 cha mradi mkuu: faida. Uzoefu wako ni muhimu kwetu. Majibu yako kwa utafiti yatachangia uboreshaji wa…

Je, inafanyaje kazi?

The survey will take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete, depending on your answers. If you would prefer to participate in the survey at a more convenient for you, this can be arranged. We can re-schedule an interview time with you anytime between now, and the next 7 days.


Ripoti Kamili ya Uchambuzi (Mtihani wa Afya ya Idadi ya Watu)

Ripoti Kamili ya Uchambuzi (Mtihani wa Afya ya Idadi ya Watu)

Je, tunahakikisha vipi faragha inalindwa?

Kituo cha Utafiti wa Kijamii kinatii Kanuni za Faragha za Australia. Taarifa zote za mawasiliano ya kibinafsi kama vile jina, barua pepe na nambari ya simu huondolewa kwenye data ya mwisho. Majibu yako hayatatambuliwa, yatawekwa kwa uaminifu mkubwa na hayatafichuliwa kwa mashirika mengine kwa madhumuni ya uuzaji au utafiti. Majibu ya kila mtu atakayeshiriki katika utafiti huu yataunganishwa kwa uchambuzi. Tafadhali tazama SRC's Sera ya Faragha.


If you have any questions about your participation in the survey or would like to make a time for an interviewer to call you, please call the Social Research Centre on 1800 023 040 (simu ya bure).

Maswali Yanayoulizwa Mara kwa Mara

Je, uchunguzi ni wa lazima? 

The survey is entirely voluntary, but your cooperation is important in order to get an accurate understanding of the behaviours and attitudes of people who are either smokers, or who have quit sometime in the past year.

I am on the Do Not Call Register

The Do Not Call Register is for telemarketers who are trying to sell you something or get you to donate to charity. It does not apply to people who are only collecting opinions and conducting research.
