Attitudes +
Policy +
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts (the Department) is the Australian Government agency that oversees the Community Broadcasting Program (CBP). As part of that role, we periodically evaluate the performance of the CBP, and the assistance provided to licensees to ensure value for money and that the needs of community broadcasters and listeners are met. The evaluation of the grant program will also inform the Roadmap2033 project which is jointly sponsored by the Community Broadcasting Foundation and the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia. For more information about the review, please visit the Department’s website.
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
The Department has engaged the Social Research Centre to undertake an evaluation of the CBP including a survey of grant applicants and eligible broadcasters so that we better understand the experience of community broadcasters and to hear your ideas.
As part of the research, the Social Research Centre will analyse survey data to provide insights into community broadcasters’ experience. This information will help us to better understand the experience community broadcasters. In April, you may be asked to participate an online survey (approximately 10 minutes depending on your experiences).
Insights gained through survey responses will contribute to an independent evaluation of the Community Broadcasting Program (CBP) informing our understanding of organisations who are eligible to access financial support through the CBP. The evaluation is part of a broader review of the sustainability of the community broadcasting sector which is being undertaken by the Department.
Master project template 2: insight 1. 25% of … say that … this is a test.
Master project template 2: Of those who were a part in activities, around 1 in 5 were representing their town, city or state.
1 in 10
Master project template: An upward trend in student interest in x,y,z and 1 in 10 students mentioned that this was a sample insight.
Who is hiring for those with disabilities?
Who is hiring for those with disabilities?
Who is hiring for those with disabilities?
The Department has provided contact details of community broadcasters to the Social Research Centre for the purposes of approaching and conducting the survey. All eligible contacts will be invited to participate.
Insights gained through survey responses will contribute to an independent evaluation of the Community Broadcasting Program (CBP) informing our understanding of organisations who are eligible to access financial support through the CBP. The evaluation is part of a broader review of the sustainability of the community broadcasting sector which is being undertaken by the Department.
In April, you may be asked to participate an online survey (approximately 10 minutes depending on your experiences).
Although the Department values your views and would very much like your input and feedback, you do not have to take part in this research. If you are happy to receive a survey invitation, you don’t need to do anything for now. The Department would really value your feedback, however if you would prefer not to participate, please free call 1800 023 040.
The Social Research Centre complies with the Australian Privacy Principles. All personal contact information such as name, email and phone number is removed from the final data. Your responses will be de-identified, held in the strictest confidence and will not be disclosed to other organisations for marketing or research purposes. The responses of everyone who participates in this survey will be combined for analysis. Please see the SRC’s Privacy Policy.
Master project template 2
If you would like to speak to a member of the research team, you can call the Ministry of Health hotline on 1800 620 277. The hours of operation are 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday to Friday to speak to somebody. At other times, leave a message and someone will call back.
How will the information be used?
Participation is always voluntary, but your participation is important.
Why? Because it ensures representativeness and that results can be projected to the population.
How long will the survey take to complete?
Our staff may have contacted you as part of a research survey. We are a social research company, exempt from the Australian Do Not Call Register, meaning we may call telephone numbers listed on the Do Not Call Register to conduct opinion polling and standard questionnaire-based research. We are not telemarketers, we are not selling a product and we do not provide your name or contact information to any other parties.
The phone numbers we dial are either:
Master template test 2
Sample text goes here.
Master template test 2
Sample text goes here.
General FAQs