Social Research Centre


Have you been contacted to participate?  

Research Areas

Attitudes +

Education +

Policy +

Project Status

Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.

GENERATION is a study following the journey of young Australians, as they transition to life beyond school. The GENERATION survey is a chance for students to share their unique story– what they care about, what they’re interested in, and what they hope for in the future.

The GENERATION survey is voluntary and takes about 30 minutes to complete. Participants will receive a $25 electronic gift card as a thank you for their time. This is the third year of the national study, which anticipates running for ten years in total.

Please refer to the participant information sheet below for more information about the study.


GENERATION is being undertaken by researchers from the Australian National University (ANU), the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and the Social Research Centre (SRC). The Centre for Social Research and Methods at the ANU is leading the research.

The research has been commissioned by the Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment, and all Australian state and territory governments.

Aims + Outcomes

This landmark study of students across the country aims to reflect the collective experience of young Australians – inside and outside school, while providing both participants and educators valuable insights into career interests and post-school plans. The results of the survey will be used by schools to better support current and future students and adequately prepare them for employment, further education, and training.


Participants will be contacted via email and/or SMS with a link to complete the survey online. People who have not been able to complete the survey online may be followed up via phone.




About 18% of Year 10 students expected to be a ‘Health Professional’ at age 30, with this being the most popular choice of profession.

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Of those who were a part of an individual or team sport, took art, music or performance lessons, or engaged in cultural activities, around 1 in 5 were representing their town, city or state.

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Among those who wanted to pursue a vocational pathway more males than females thought their peers wanted to do the same (42% agreement for males compared to 23% agreement for females).

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You can see the GENERATION data stories here.

Have you been contacted to participate?

Who participates?

Participants are invited to the survey because they previously participated in GENERATION 2022 and agreed to be re-contacted for further involvement in the study. Contact details were provided by participants when agreeing to be re-contacted for this research.

What are the benefits?

Participants will receive a $25 electronic gift card as a thank you for their time. This will be sent via email upon completion of the survey. Participants will also receive an individualised report presenting insights from the GENERATION survey.

How does it work?

GENERATION 2024 will be conducted from early-May 2024. If you are eligible to participate, we will send unique login details via email. If you provided a mobile number, you will also receive an SMS with a link to complete the survey online. We may follow up by ringing people who have not been able to complete the online survey.

If you received an email, you can complete the survey by simply clicking the ‘take survey’ button in your email. If you receive an SMS, you can click the link provided to complete.


For further information, please refer here:

For further information on the data linkage process, please refer here:

How do we ensure privacy is protected?

The Social Research Centre complies with the Australian Privacy Principles. All personal contact information such as name, email and phone number is removed from the final data. Your responses will be de-identified, held in the strictest confidence and will not be disclosed to other organisations for marketing or research purposes. The responses of everyone who participates in this survey will be combined for analysis. Please see the SRC’s Privacy Policy.

Get in touch

For more information about the survey, please visit the GENERATION project website
Survey questions
If you have any other questions about the survey, you can also contact the GENERATION helpdesk on 1800 122 789 or by emailing 


Why do you need to hear from me?

GENERATION is a chance to share your unique story – what you care about, what you’re interested in, and what you hope for in the future. Your participation is very important and will help us better understand the career and study aspirations of young people across the country.

The results of the survey will be used by schools to better support current and future students and adequately prepare them for employment, further education, and training.

Will my answers be confidential?

In collecting your personal information within this research, the ANU, ACER and SRC must comply with the Privacy Act 1988. Your answers will be held in the strictest confidence and under the Privacy Act all information provided will only be used for research purposes. Survey results will be used in reports, publications and on the GENERATION website. Individual students or schools will not be identified in reports available to the public.

For further information, please view the links below.

  • ANU’s Privacy Policy is available here.
  • ACER’s Privacy Policy is available here.
  • The SRC’s Privacy Policy is available here.

Are there any risks from taking part?

We do not anticipate any risks to taking part in the survey. You only need to answer questions if you feel comfortable and safe to do so.

What if I have concerns about the ethical conduct of the survey?

The ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee (Protocol 2022/037). If you have any concerns or complaints about how this research has been conducted, please contact:

Ethics Manager
The ANU Human Research Ethics Committee
The Australian National University
Telephone: +61 2 6125 3427
