Social Research Centre

Research areas

We have extensive experience in undertaking social research and evaluation to inform policy, strategy and practice. We stand at the forefront of excellence in project execution, pioneering research methodologies, and insightful analysis. Our reputation as a recognised industry leader is a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional quality and strategic insights.

Attitudes + Values

Our research and evaluation projects help organisations understand how Australians think and feel about their lives, how these attitudes and values change over time, and how they compare with other societies.

Television Consumer and Media Content Consumption Survey 2022
40-year review of the Victorian Multicultural Commission
The Australian Internet Usage Survey
The NSW Post-School Destinations Survey 2024
Media Content Consumption Survey and Television Consumer Survey

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Identity + Belonging

Our research and evaluation measures key experiences of Australians to express their identity, feel connected to and valued by those around them with a sense of belonging.

40-year review of the Victorian Multicultural Commission
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Survey of Recent Migrants to Australia – Introductory Survey 2024
Survey of Separated Parents
Australian Comparative Study of Survey Methods

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Equity + Justice

Our research and evaluation examine levels of opportunity for fairness, inclusion, safety and respectful relationships free from bias, discrimination and harm so that all Australians may thrive.

National Student Safety Survey
2022 Forest Fire Management Victoria Gender Equity Project
National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing (NSCSP)
QLD Parent Survey 2025
Survey of Separated Parents

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Health + Wellbeing

Our research and evaluation investigates health and wellbeing of Australians at all stages of life, from prevention, to secondary and tertiary approaches that addresses the wider determinants of health, reduces health inequities and decreases the overall burden of disease.

Ten to Men: the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health
National Student Safety Survey
2024 ACT General Health Survey
New South Wales Population Health Survey (NSW PHS)
Victorian Population Gambling and Health Study

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Workforce + Economy

Our research and evaluation helps to understand challenges such as the changing types of jobs, mix of industries and structural change in the economy, skills shortages and barriers to entering, staying or returning to the workforce.

Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS) | QILT
Australian Early Development Census (AEDC)
Skills checkpoint for older workers survey 2023-2024
Vocational Education and Training Priority Cohorts Research Project
Shifting the Landscape – Lived Experience Survey Year 2

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Education + Knowledge

Our research and evaluation projects contribute to strengthening the fundamentals of our education and knowledge systems to deliver a high-quality, learning and teaching environments that improve the experience, equity and outcomes for students in Australia.

Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching
Graduate Teacher Survey
Administering Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Survey
Kindergarten Parent Opinion Survey 2024

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Policy + Politics

Policy and politics are intricately linked, as policies crafted and implemented through political processes shape the direction and governance of a nation or society.

Evaluation of the Community Broadcasting Program
Australian Election Study
ANU Poll
Lowy Institute Poll
Mapping Social Cohesion Survey

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Environment + Sustainability

The environment and sustainability are inseparable, as preserving and responsibly managing our natural resources are crucial for the well-being of both current and future generations.

Environment and Sustainability Survey
Shifting the Landscape – Lived Experience Survey Year 2
Australian Comparative Study of Survey Methods

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Focussing on the important social issues at the heart of life in Australia.
