The Social Research Centre/ማእከል ምርምር ማሕበራዊ ጕዳያት

David Ball

Research Director

Quantitative Research Consulting

David has over 25 years of experience in project management, data analyst and research management roles.  David’s strengths are in project-based leadership roles working closely with clients and internal stakeholders to design and implement projects that deliver insights for decision makers. He has advised across a variety of disciplines including data manipulation, interpretation, and presentation. 

David joined the Social Research Centre in March 2022 and leads large multi-year longitudinal studies as well as smaller ad hoc research projects. Prior to joining the Social Research Centre, he was at the Evolved Group responsible for end-to-end client relationship and project management from survey design and fieldwork, through to presenting analysis and insight presentation. Clients varied from Not-for-profit Allied Health providers and Local Government through to commercial clients.  At Roy Morgan he led a team of account managers in the Telecommunications and Direct Mailing industries in various management roles focusing on client relations that included the end to end management of surveys and presentation of findings. David spent 10 years in Singapore, three of which was with ACNielsen leading a team of client account staff to provide insights and relationship development using Fast Moving Consumer Goods product barcode scan data. In addition, David has had management roles at ITP, H&R Block and Australia Post. 
