Elimu +
Tell us about your training experience to help improve the quality of vocational training for all students.
We would like you to tell us about your training, including what went well, what could be improved and what you have been up to since undertaking your training.
Thank you in advance for completing this survey.
The NSW Department of Education has asked the Social Research Centre to conduct the NSW Student Outcomes Survey.
Results from the survey will be used to improve the quality of training and ensure people in New South Wales have the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow. All of your answers are private and confidential and your information is protected by privacy (more information is available in the FAQs).
The survey can be done on your smartphone, tablet or PC and only takes 10 minutes.
Kiolezo kikuu cha mradi 2: maarifa 1. 25% ya … sema kwamba … hili ni jaribio.
Kiolezo cha 2 cha mradi mkuu: Kati ya wale ambao walishiriki katika shughuli, karibu 1 kati ya 5 walikuwa wakiwakilisha mji, jiji au jimbo lao.
1 kati ya 10
Kiolezo cha mradi mkuu: Mwelekeo wa juu wa maslahi ya wanafunzi katika x,y,z na 1 kati ya wanafunzi 10 ulitaja kuwa huu ulikuwa sampuli ya maarifa.
Nani anaajiri kwa wale wenye ulemavu?
Nani anaajiri kwa wale wenye ulemavu?
Nani anaajiri kwa wale wenye ulemavu?
Jina la ripoti
Nakala ya kichwa cha ripoti iliyopanuliwa itatumwa hapa.
Ripoti Kamili ya Uchambuzi
Mfichuo na athari kwa mitazamo ya Mioto ya Misitu ya Australia 2019-20
Ripoti Kamili ya Uchambuzi
Mfichuo na athari kwa mitazamo ya Mioto ya Misitu ya Australia 2019-20
Ripoti Kamili ya Uchambuzi
Mfichuo na athari kwa mitazamo ya Mioto ya Misitu ya Australia 2019-20
Ripoti Kamili ya Uchambuzi
Mfichuo na athari kwa mitazamo ya Mioto ya Misitu ya Australia 2019-20
We want to hear from ALL students, even if you:
The survey can be done on your smartphone, tablet or PC and only takes 10 minutes.
Utafiti wa Matokeo ya Wanafunzi wa NSW
Upimaji 2. Kituo cha Utafiti wa Kijamii kinatii Kanuni za Faragha za Australia. Taarifa zote za mawasiliano ya kibinafsi kama vile jina, barua pepe na nambari ya simu huondolewa kwenye data ya mwisho. Majibu yako hayatatambuliwa, yatawekwa kwa imani kamili na hayatafichuliwa kwa mashirika mengine kwa madhumuni ya uuzaji au utafiti. Majibu ya kila mtu atakayeshiriki katika utafiti huu yataunganishwa kwa uchambuzi. Tafadhali tazama SRC's Sera ya Faragha.
If you have any questions about the survey or want to make any comments about your training experience, contact the Social Research Centre on:
Telephone: 1800 130 007
Email: nswsos@srcentre.com.au
Utafiti unahusu nini?
The NSW Student Outcomes Survey collects information from all students in New South Wales who completed or left early from vocational training in 2023. Results from the survey are used to improve the quality of the vocational education and training system in New South Wales.
Kwa nini nishiriki?
This is your chance to have a say in improving the training you completed or left early from in 2023. Results from the survey will be used to evaluate, monitor and improve the quality of vocational training – better quality vocational training will help students in New South Wales students improve their skills and obtain better outcomes after training.
Completing the NSW Student Outcomes Survey is voluntary, but the more students who respond to the survey, the more the results will represent all students who completed vocational training in 2023. This means the NSW Government can make decisions that benefit as many students as possible in the training system.
What information will I be asked about?
The survey will ask a range of questions, including:
Ulipataje maelezo yangu?
The NSW Department of Industry maintains records of students that enrolled in Government funded vocational education and training. This information was provided to the Social Research Centre (SRC) for the purpose of conducting this survey. Contact details provided to the SRC will only be used to administer the survey.
How will my privacy be protected?
When the survey closes, the SRC will link your survey responses with information about your course and training organisation. Your details will be dealt with in accordance with the New South Wales Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (the Act). The NSW Department of Industry Privacy Policy is available at: www.industry.nsw.gov.au/privacy
Je, ikiwa sidhani kama sikufanya mafunzo?
That’s okay – you may have undertaken similar training to the training shown on the front of this letter in 2023. If so, you can complete the survey and be entered into the prize draws.
Je, ikiwa sitamtambua mtoa mafunzo?
That’s okay – sometimes training organisations change names or use different names for different parts of their business, or they organise the training to be conducted by another training organisation. If you recognise the training shown on the front of this letter, you can complete the survey and be entered into the prize draws.
Nilimaliza somo moja au mawili tu. Bado unataka nikujibu?
Yes. Your response to the survey is important, even if the training was only of a short duration (e.g. a one-day course provided by your workplace). All responses to the survey will be used to improve vocational training in New South Wales and be entered into the prize draws.
Need further information?
Maswali Yanayoulizwa Mara kwa Mara