Administering Initial Teacher Education (ITE) survey
Mbinu ya kuingia
Entry is open to respondents of the Administering Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Survey. To be included in the rolling prize draw, those invited to complete the ITE Survey must complete the survey online through the survey link that was received via email and/or SMS.
Wafanyikazi wa Kituo cha Utafiti wa Kijamii hawaruhusiwi kuingia kwenye bahati nasibu hii ya kukuza biashara.
Muda wa kipindi cha kuingia
The total entry period for inclusion in the competition is from survey launch on 18 November 2024 to 8 December 2024 at 11.59pm AEDT. Three prize draws will occur during this period, with the following schedule:
Maelezo ya tuzo na maadili ya tuzo
Draw #1 | 1St Tuzo | 1 x $1,000 prepaid e-gift card |
Draw #2 | 1St Tuzo | 1 x $1,000 prepaid e-gift card |
Draw #3 | 1St Tuzo | 1 x $1,000 prepaid e-gift card |
In total, 3 x $1,000 will be drawn. Total prize pool is valued at $3,000.
Kadi za zawadi za kielektroniki za kulipia kabla zinaweza kutumika kwa uteuzi wa wauzaji reja reja wa Australia.
Tarehe, wakati na mahali pa kuchora
Droo ya zawadi itaendeshwa kwa ratiba ifuatayo:
All draws from 25 November 2024 to 9 December 2024 will be conducted at Level 5, 350 Queen St, Melbourne, Victoria 3000. Winners will be identified through a random computer-generated draw.
Uchapishaji wa majina ya washindi
Winners will be notified in writing via email within five business days of the relevant draw. The initials of the winners will be published online on this webpage with the following schedule:
Washindi wa droo ya zawadi
Prize draw 1: V. T., NSW
Prize draw 2: T. L., TAS
Prize draw 3: S. H., NSW
Jina na anwani ya mfanyabiashara
Mfanyabiashara ni Social Research Center Pty Ltd, Level 5, 350 Queen St, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000.
ABN: 91096153212
Droo ya zawadi ambayo haijadaiwa
If any prizes are unclaimed by 17 March 2025, an unclaimed prize draw will take place at 11:00 am AEDT on 19 March 2025 at Level 5, 350 Queen St, Victoria, Melbourne 3000. The winners will be notified by telephone and in writing via email within seven days of the draw. The initials of winners be published online on this webpage on 19 March 2025.
Cancellation clause
Ikiwa, kwa sababu yoyote ile, kipengele chochote cha Matangazo haya hakina uwezo wa kufanya kazi kama ilivyopangwa, ikijumuisha kwa sababu ya virusi vya kompyuta, hitilafu ya mtandao wa mawasiliano, hitilafu, kuchezea, uingiliaji kati usioidhinishwa, ulaghai, kushindwa kwa kiufundi au sababu yoyote iliyo nje ya udhibiti wa Promota. , Mtangazaji anaweza kwa hiari yake pekee kughairi, kusimamisha, kurekebisha au kusimamisha Matangazo na kubatilisha maingizo yoyote yaliyoathiriwa, au kusimamisha au kurekebisha tuzo, chini ya udhibiti wa Jimbo au Wilaya.
Nambari za idhini