Social Research Centre

The NSW Post-School Destinations Survey 2024

Have you been contacted to participate?  

Research Areas

Attitudes +

Education +

Workforce +

Project Status

Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.

The NSW Post-School Destinations Survey 2024 aims to gain a better understanding of the career and study aspirations of young people in NSW who have recently completed Year 12 or left school before completing Year 12.


The NSW Department of Education, through the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE), has engaged the Social Research Centre (SRC) to manage and conduct this survey.


Aims + Outcomes

The NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey (PSDES) helps the NSW Government to better understand how to improve educational and career outcomes achieved by school students in NSW. It collects important information on the factors that may influence the engagement, retention and pathways choices of secondary students. Further information, including FAQs, can be found below.


The NSW Post School Destinations and Experiences Survey is a mixed-mode survey where eligible young people are contacted via email, SMS, or telephone to participate and update us on their post school plans.



Master project template 2: insight 1. 25% of … say that … this is a test.


Master project template 2: Of those who were a part in activities, around 1 in 5 were representing their town, city or state.

1 in 10

Master project template: An upward trend in student interest in x,y,z and 1 in 10 students mentioned that this was a sample insight.


A man and woman with tattoos embrace on a sandy beach.
A hand-painted sign on grass.
Man smiling walking down stairs with blue reflective sunglasses on.


Have you been contacted to participate?

Who participates?

Participants of this survey are young people in NSW who have completed Year 12 or left school before completing Year 12.

What are the benefits?

How does it work?

The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete either online or by phone. It is voluntary. A representative from the Social Research Centre (SRC) will contact you between July to November 2024 to invite you to complete the survey. You can skip any questions that you prefer not to answer. By participating you will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win a $200 JB HI-FI voucher.

How do we ensure privacy is protected?

The survey is conducted in compliance with New South Wales privacy legislation, the Commonwealth Privacy Act and Australian Privacy Principles. Your answers will be held in the strictest confidence and under the Privacy Act all information provided will only be used for research purposes. The responses of everyone who participates in this survey will be combined for analysis. For information on the privacy policy of the Social Research Centre, please visit


Get in touch

If you have any other questions about the survey, please call the Social Research Centre (free hotline) on
1800 023 040 or email


If you would not like to take part in the study, please refer to our Participant Information Sheet for instructions on how you can remove yourself from the study.


Who is involved in the project? 

The NSW Department of Education, through the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE), has engaged the Social Research Centre (SRC) to manage and conduct this survey.


CESE will be undertaking all analysis and reporting components of the survey. This research project is supported by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), Catholic Schools NSW and the Association of Independent Schools of NSW.

How did you get my details?

You have been invited to participate in the research because our records show that you may have recently left or completed school. Your details have been provided by either the NSW Education Standards Authority or the NSW Department of Education for the purposes of this research.

When is the survey conducted and how do I complete it?

The survey will be conducted between July and November 2024. We will send you unique login details via mail and / or email. If we have your mobile number, you might also receive an SMS with a link to complete the survey online. We may follow up by ringing people who have not been able to complete the online survey. You may receive a call from 02 9060 8425 or 02 9060 8430.


You can complete the survey by clicking the ‘Start survey’ button on this screen and entering the login details provided in the letter you received.  If you received an email, you can simply click the ‘take survey’ button in your email. If we have your mobile number, you might also receive an SMS with a link to complete online.

What if I haven’t left school?

If you have not left school, have returned to secondary studies or have commenced an International Baccalaureate, please contact the Social Research Centre (free hotline) on 1800 023 040 or email

What if I’m not available to complete the survey?

You can complete the survey by phone or online via computer or mobile phone.

How long is the survey?

The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete depending on your answers.

Will my answers be confidential? 

The survey is conducted in compliance with New South Wales privacy legislation, the Commonwealth Privacy Act and Australian Privacy Principles. Your answers will be held in the strictest confidence and under the Privacy Act all information provided will only be used for research purposes. The responses of everyone who participates in this survey will be combined for analysis. For information on the privacy policy of the Social Research Centre, please visit

What if I have concerns about the ethical conduct of the survey?

If you have any questions about the survey you can call the Social Research Centre (free hotline) on 1800 023 040 or email

What data will be linked through student identifiers?

Should you provide your consent, data linkage will be conducted using the separation principle. Access to identifying information will be restricted to a specialised linkage team within CESE who will create the link, while CESE researchers will analyse and manage the de-identified survey data. Linkage officers will not have access to survey data, while researchers will not have access to any personal identifying information. The Government held data that will be linked to your survey responses includes education, employment and demographic data such as:

  • Government school enrolments and attendance
  • Record of School Achievement (RoSA) / Higher School Certificate (HSC)/ ATAR/university applications and offers
  • Government funded VET enrolments, including Apprentices and Trainees
  • ABS-held databases from the Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA) (including Social Security and Related Information, Personal Income Tax Payment Summaries, Census of Population and Housing 2011 & 2016, Higher Education data and VET activity)


For more information about this linkage or authorised linkage agencies, including the full list of types of data currently in the asset, how data is stored, who can access the data, and how/when you can have your data removed from the program, visit:
