Social Research Centre

Shifting the Landscape – Lived Experience Survey Year 2

Have you been contacted to participate?  

Research Areas

Environment +

Health +

Workforce +

Project Status

Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.

The Shifting the Landscape – Lived Experience Survey Year 2 in an important survey on suicide prevention in NSW. This is part of monitoring NSW’s Shifting the Landscape for Suicide Prevention Framework


This research is being conducted for the Mental Health Commission of NSW by the Social Research Centre.

Aims + Outcomes


This is an online survey.



Master project template 2: insight 1. 25% of … say that … this is a test.


Master project template 2: Of those who were a part in activities, around 1 in 5 were representing their town, city or state.

1 in 10

Master project template: An upward trend in student interest in x,y,z and 1 in 10 students mentioned that this was a sample insight.


A man and woman with tattoos embrace on a sandy beach.
A hand-painted sign on grass.
Man smiling walking down stairs with blue reflective sunglasses on.


Name of report

An extended report title text will go here.

Full Analysis Report

Exposure and the impact on attitudes of the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires

Full Analysis Report

Exposure and the impact on attitudes of the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires

Full Analysis Report

Exposure and the impact on attitudes of the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires

Full Analysis Report

Exposure and the impact on attitudes of the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires

Have you been contacted to participate?

Who participates?

The survey will focus on seeking feedback from those with lived or living experience related to suicide.

This includes:

  • Persons with lived or living experience of suicidal distress,
  • Persons caring for someone through suicidal crisis,
  • Persons who are bereaved by suicide, and
  • Peer workers involved in suicide prevention activities.

What are the benefits?

Participation in this survey is invaluable and will play a crucial role in shaping better policies and services for suicide prevention across NSW.

How does it work?

Participants may be sent a direct email, see it on social media or find it or MHC website here:


Full Analysis Report (Population Health Test)

Full Analysis Report (Population Health Test)

How do we ensure privacy is protected?

Testing 2. The Social Research Centre complies with the Australian Privacy Principles. All personal contact information such as name, email and phone number is removed from the final data. Your responses will be de-identified, held in the strictest confidence and will not be disclosed to other organisations for marketing or research purposes. The responses of everyone who participates in this survey will be combined for analysis. Please see the SRC’s Privacy Policy.

Get in touch

The Social Research Centre

1800 083 037


I need to talk to someone for support not related to the survey

If you would like to talk to someone for support, you can call any of the following support services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511
  • 13YARN 13 92 76
  • Lifeline: 13 11 14
  • Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
  • Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
  • StandBy Support After Suicide: 1300 727 247
  • Thirrili Indigenous Suicide Postvention: 1800 805 801
  • Beyond Blue Support Service: 1300 22 4636
  • 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732
  • MensLine: 1300 78 99 78
  • Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS): 1800 250 015


You can find more support services listed at:

Who is conducting the survey?

The Shifting the Landscape – Lived Experience Survey Year 2 is conducted by the Social Research Centre (SRC) on behalf of the Mental Health Commission of NSW.

How do I take part in the survey?

Participants may be sent a direct email, see it on social media or find it or MHC websites.

Further information about the Mental Health Commission of NSW ‘the Commission’?

For more information about the Mental Health Commission of NSW, please visit Mental Health Commission of New South Wales (

How long will the survey take?

The survey will only take around 10 minutes to complete.

Do I have to complete the survey?

The survey is completely voluntary, however your participation is invaluable and will play a crucial role in shaping better policies and services for suicide prevention across NSW.

Can I withdraw from the survey after starting?

Yes, you can stop the survey at any time. Participation is entirely voluntary.

We appreciate the emotional energy it may take to respond to questions about suicide prevention and value your generous sharing of knowledge from your lived experience. Please take care and reach out to the supports that work for you, if you need.

If you would like to talk to someone for support, you can call any of the following support services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511
  • 13YARN 13 92 76
  • Lifeline: 13 11 14
  • Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
  • Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
  • StandBy Support After Suicide: 1300 727 247
  • Thirrili Indigenous Suicide Postvention: 1800 805 801
  • Beyond Blue Support Service: 1300 22 4636
  • 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732
  • MensLine: 1300 78 99 78
  • Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS): 1800 250 015

You can find more support services listed at:


Who can I contact if I have technical issues with the survey?

If you encounter any technical issues, please reach out to the survey contact number on 1800 083 037, or email

How are the survey responses protected?

All survey responses are kept confidential by users of the final data, no individuals are identified in any published reports.

What will the survey ask?

The survey includes questions about your experiences with suicide prevention services, either for yourself or supporting others.

Further information about the survey?

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the survey contact number on 1800 083 037, or email