सामाजिक अनुसन्धान केन्द्र

2024 ACT सामान्य स्वास्थ्य सर्वेक्षण

के तपाईलाई सहभागी हुन सम्पर्क गरिएको छ?  

अनुसन्धान क्षेत्रहरू

मनोवृत्ति +

स्वास्थ्य +

परियोजना स्थिति

ठूलो ठोस नीलो अण्डाकार।
ठूलो ठोस नीलो अण्डाकार।
ठूलो ठोस नीलो अण्डाकार।
ठूलो ठोस नीलो अण्डाकार।
ठूलो ठोस नीलो अण्डाकार।

Since 2007, ACT Health has been conducting telephone surveys yearly with randomly selected individuals to collect information about the health, lifestyles and wellbeing of ACT residents. Our target is to survey 1,200 ACT residents aged 16+ years and 1,000 ACT children aged 5 to 15 years. Information about ACT Health and the ACT General Health Survey can be found on ACT Health’s website: Data collections – ACT Government

You may be selected to participate in the 2024 ACT General Health Survey during October to December.



ACT Health has contracted the Social Research Centre to conduct the telephone interviews required for this survey. You may have received a phone call from (02) 5104 3870, (02) 5104 3871, (02) 5104 3872 or
(02) 5104 3873 regarding this study.

लक्ष्य + परिणामहरू

The survey will start 1st October and will run over a nine-week period. The survey time may be extended if we haven’t reached our target of 1,200 adults and 1,000 children.




मास्टर प्रोजेक्ट टेम्प्लेट 2: इनसाइट 1. 25% को ... भन्नुहोस् ... यो एक परीक्षण हो।


मास्टर प्रोजेक्ट टेम्प्लेट 2: गतिविधिहरूमा भाग लिनेहरू मध्ये, 5 मध्ये 1 ले आफ्नो शहर, शहर वा राज्यको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दै थिए।

10 मा 1

मास्टर प्रोजेक्ट टेम्प्लेट: x,y,z र 10 मा 1 विद्यार्थीहरूको रुचिमा माथिको प्रवृत्तिले यो नमूना अन्तरदृष्टि हो भनेर उल्लेख गरेको छ।


रेतीले समुद्र तटमा ट्याटू लगाएका एक पुरुष र महिला अँगालो।
घाँसमा हातले चित्रित चिन्ह।
नीलो रिफ्लेक्टिभ सनग्लास लगाएर सिँढीहरू तल हिंडिरहेको मान्छे।


Statistics and indicators 

के तपाईलाई सहभागी हुन सम्पर्क गरिएको छ?

कसले भाग लिन्छ?

Those who are randomly selected will be eligible to participate in this survey. This will ensure that our sample represents the ACT community.

के फाइदाहरू छन्?

The ongoing collection of information on health status and behaviours is used to plan and develop public health programs and policies. The survey is important because national health surveys tend to only include a small number of people from the ACT, and so can’t always be used to accurately describe the health status of the ACT population.

यसले कसरी काम गर्छ?

If you are selected, trained interviewers will complete the survey with you by phone at a time convenient to you. The survey takes  around 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Your participation is entirely voluntary. It is important, however, that we speak to as many people as possible to ensure the survey results accurately reflect the views and experiences of the community.


पूर्ण विश्लेषण रिपोर्ट (जनसंख्या स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण)

पूर्ण विश्लेषण रिपोर्ट (जनसंख्या स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण)

हामी कसरी गोपनीयता सुरक्षित छ भनेर सुनिश्चित गर्छौं?

सामाजिक अनुसन्धान केन्द्रले अस्ट्रेलियाली गोपनीयता सिद्धान्तहरूको पालना गर्दछ। नाम, इमेल र फोन नम्बर जस्ता सबै व्यक्तिगत सम्पर्क जानकारी अन्तिम डाटाबाट हटाइन्छ। तपाईंका प्रतिक्रियाहरूलाई पहिचान नगरिनेछ, कडा विश्वासमा राखिनेछ र मार्केटिङ वा अनुसन्धान उद्देश्यका लागि अन्य संस्थाहरूलाई खुलासा गरिने छैन। यस सर्वेक्षणमा भाग लिने सबैको प्रतिक्रियालाई विश्लेषणको लागि संयुक्त गरिनेछ। कृपया SRC को हेर्नुहोस् गोपनीयता नीति.

सम्पर्कमा रहनुहोस्

सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्

What do I do now? 

For more information or to opt out, call the survey freecall number 1800 023 040 वा इमेल HealthSurvey@act.gov.au


Is the survey compulsory?

No, the survey is not compulsory, however, it is important that we speak to as many individuals as possible. Participation is voluntary and you may withdraw at any time.

Can I do the survey online?

The 2024 survey will only be administered by phone. Future surveys may be conducted online.

What information is collected?

You will be asked questions about your health, including self-rated health, oral health, nutrition, physical activity, sleep, alcohol consumption, tobacco use, e-cigarette use and mental health. You will also be asked for your (and your child’s, if applicable) height and weight measurements.

Can I look up the results from previous surveys?

Yes! The results are reported on the HealthStats ACT website.

How did ACT Health get my phone number?

Your mobile number was obtained for this research from the Integrated Public Number Database, a list of all mobile numbers in Australia, with the authorisation of the Australian Communications and Media Authority. You can visit www.acma.gov.au to learn more.

What happens to the information collected?

All information you provide will be treated in strict confidence. The results will only be used for planning and research purposes. The survey has been approved by the ACT Health Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). If you have any concerns or complaints about the survey, you may contact the HREC secretariat on (02) 5124 3949 वा (02) 5124 5659 वा ethics@act.gov.au.

What do I do now?

ACT Health has appointed the Social Research Centre, part of the Australian National University, to conduct the survey. If selected, an interviewer will call you to ask you to participate. Arrangements can be made for you to take part at a time convenient to you. For more information or to opt out, call the survey freecall number 1800 023 040 or email HealthSurvey@act.gov.au.