
Anna Lethborg

Research Director

Quantitative Research Consulting

Anna has over 20 years’ experience as a quantitative and qualitative researcher, now specialising in quantitative research. Having previously managed both market and social research projects, Anna has worked across the full range of traditional research methodologies and on a wide range of topic areas.
Since joining the Social Research Centre in 2015, Anna has managed a number of high profile projects. Anna was part of the team responsible for the development of Australia’s first and only probability-based panel, Life in Australia™, and managed the panel during its establishment. She works closely with the ANU to deliver the quarterly ANUpolls on Life in Australia™, and manages the Australian Election Study (Australian Election Study | The Australian Election Study website), the World Values Survey and the Asian Barometer Study (Australia). She is an expert in using address-based sampling with a push-to-web methodology for general population studies and has been instrumental in refining our approach to this methodology.

Anna is a passionate social researcher with a specific interest in delivering research that could be used to improve social outcomes for our most marginalised and stigmatised society members. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree (Sociology and Philosophy) from the University of Tasmania and is a Qualified Practising Researcher (QPR).