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This is a quick follow up survey for those who participated in the Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers Program Survey 2023. You may be contacted to find out about your recent experiences with employment and training.
The survey should only take about 5 minutes depending on your answers. Once you finish the survey you will receive a $10 e-voucher as thanks for your time.
The Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers Program and the Skills and Training Incentive (the programs) are Federal Government initiatives that provide eligible older workers with career advice and education and training support.
The service connects people over the age of 40 with career advisors at Busy at Work or VERTO. You may know it as the Skills Checkpoint, SCOW or the Skills and Training Incentive. Supports may include:
The Social Research Centre is conducting this research for the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (the department).
The purpose of this research is to explore participant experiences with the programs and their employment and training circumstances after the programs. This research will contribute to the department’s evaluation of the programs.
The programs will cease from 1 July 2024, however findings will be used to inform skills and training supports for people over 40.
In late 2023, we surveyed people who participated in the programs about their experiences and views.
This follow-up survey will open on 4 March 2024 for 4 weeks.
Master project template 2: insight 1. 25% of … say that … this is a test.
Master project template 2: Of those who were a part in activities, around 1 in 5 were representing their town, city or state.
1 in 10
Master project template: An upward trend in student interest in x,y,z and 1 in 10 students mentioned that this was a sample insight.
Who is hiring for those with disabilities?
Who is hiring for those with disabilities?
Who is hiring for those with disabilities?
Name of report
An extended report title text will go here.
Full Analysis Report
Exposure and the impact on attitudes of the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires
The Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers Survey 2023 opened in October 2023 and ran over a six-week period. The Social Research Centre may invite you to participate in the follow-up survey if you completed the first survey and consented to be recontacted.
By taking part, you are helping us understand the impact of the program on people’s career and training circumstances and how similar programs could be improved in future.
You will also receive a $10 e-voucher as thanks for your time once you finish the survey.
If you have been invited to participate in the 2024 follow-up survey you will receive a unique survey link by email or SMS. Please allow approximately 5 minutes to complete the survey.
Full Analysis Report (Population Health Test)
Full Analysis Report (Population Health Test)
Your personal information and responses are protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988. All identifiable information is confidential. Any information you give us will only be shared with the department’s Employment Evaluation Branch for the purpose of the evaluation. The information collected will be used for research purposes only. To reduce the number of questions and to help with our analysis, your responses will be linked to administrative data from the program. For example, this may include the type of training or support you have accessed. This data will not be shared outside the department and you won’t be identified in any reports.
1800 023 040 (free hotline)
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
1800 020 108
How do I take part in the survey?
The survey is invitation-only. You can complete online using a unique survey link sent by email or SMS. The Social Research Centre will contact you if you are selected to participate.
How long will the survey take?
The survey should take 5 minutes to complete.
Will I be paid for my time?
All participants who complete the 2024 follow-up survey will receive a $10 e-voucher as thanks.
How will I receive the e-voucher?
You will be eligible for a $10 e-voucher when you reach the end of the survey.
To receive your e-voucher via email:
Is the survey compulsory?
Your participation is voluntary. Choosing to do the survey, or not, won’t affect any government help or income support payments you get.
You can also change your mind at any time – you do not need to give us a reason.
Can I do the survey if I’m not selected?
The survey is invitation-only.
The Social Research Centre will contact you if you are selected to participate.
Can I do the survey if I’m not selected?
The survey is invitation-only. The Social Research Centre will contact you if you are selected to participate.
What information is collected?
The survey will ask about your experiences with employment and training since the first survey (October 2023).
How did you get my contact details?
You received an invitation to this survey because you are identified as having participated in the programs. Your contact details were provided strictly for the purpose of this research and remains confidential.
At the end of the 2023 survey, you were asked if you were happy to be recontacted in 2024 for a short (5 minute) follow-up survey and to confirm your contact details. The Social Research Centre will securely destroy your information when it is no longer needed for this research.
How will my information be used?
Your personal information and responses are protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988. All identifiable information is confidential. Any information you give us will only be shared with the department’s Employment Evaluation Branch for the purpose of the evaluation. The information collected will be used for research purposes only.
The responses of everyone who participates in this survey will be combined for analysis, and no individuals will be identified in any reporting.
To reduce the number of questions and to help with our analysis, your responses will be linked to administrative data from the program. For example, this may include the type of training or support you have accessed. This data will not be shared outside the department and you won’t be identified in any reports.
The Social Research Centre’s Privacy Policy is available via our website.
Will my services or payments be impacted by the survey?
No. Completing the survey, or choosing not to, will not impact any payments or services you receive from the government.
The career advisors involved in the program (Busy at Work or VERTO) will not be informed of who has taken part in this survey.
How do I contact the researchers?
If you have any questions about the survey, you can call the Social Research Centre (free hotline) on 1800 023 040 or email skills@srcentre.com.au
You can also contact the department through the National Customer Service Line on 1800 805 260 or email evidence.framework@dewr.gov.au
General FAQs