مرکز تحقیق اجتماعی

First Nations Research Projects

Have you been contacted to participate?  

Research Areas

Equity +

هویت +

Project Status

Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.

The Social Research Centre aims is to be Australia’s trusted evidence partner for social research. However, our colonisation historically has defined who conducts research about whom, and most studies have been designed, implemented, and interpreted by non-Indigenous researchers. We understand that current structures in our industry may not yet be adequate for undertaking research that fully supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It’s time to change that.

Social Research Centre is keen to support an Indigenous-led civil society partner to develop Australia’s most inclusive and comprehensive annual survey of First Nations peoples, and of the general public on issues of Indigenous importance.


We seeking expressions of interest from leading Indigenous civil society organisations to work closely with us in the development of a culturally-safe and First Nations-supportive social research platform.

Aims + Outcomes

Ultimately, we aim to create a research platform that helps elevate and amplify the perspectives of First Nations people, by accurately and appropriately representing their views and experiences to inform truly inclusive public policy.

In doing so, this project seeks to question what we know and how we came to know it, transforming our methods through the incorporation of Indigenous perspectives and Indigenous leadership, so that we might conduct culturally safe research together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, partners, and participants.

This project forms part of Social Research Centre’s Reconciliation Action Plan, developed together with Reconciliation Australia, supporting our journey to create a business culture where partnerships are respectful, inclusive, and empowering and our research is relevant and representative.





Master project template 2: insight 1. 25% of … say that … this is a test.


Master project template 2: Of those who were a part in activities, around 1 in 5 were representing their town, city or state.

1 in 10

Master project template: An upward trend in student interest in x,y,z and 1 in 10 students mentioned that this was a sample insight.


A man and woman with tattoos embrace on a sandy beach.
A hand-painted sign on grass.
Man smiling walking down stairs with blue reflective sunglasses on.


Name of report

An extended report title text will go here.

Full Analysis Report

Exposure and the impact on attitudes of the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires

Have you been contacted to participate?

Who participates?

Master project template 2: who participates. Over 13,000 interviews will be undertaken across New South Wales in the coming months.

What are the benefits?

Master project template 2: benefits.  Your experience is valuable to us. Your response to the survey will contribute to the improvement of…

How does it work?

Master project template 2: how it works. You may have received a text message from 0481075514, or a phone call from 0290608424 or 0290608425 regarding this study.


Full Analysis Report (Population Health Test)

Full Analysis Report (Population Health Test)

How do we ensure privacy is protected?

Testing 2. The Social Research Centre complies with the Australian Privacy Principles. All personal contact information such as name, email and phone number is removed from the final data. Your responses will be de-identified, held in the strictest confidence and will not be disclosed to other organisations for marketing or research purposes. The responses of everyone who participates in this survey will be combined for analysis. Please see the SRC’s Privacy Policy.

Get in touch


Get in touch with us at the Social Research Centre


How will the information be used?

Participation is always voluntary, but your participation is important.

Why? Because it ensures representativeness and that results can be projected to the population.

How long will the survey take to complete?

Our staff may have contacted you as part of a research survey. We are a social research company, exempt from the Australian Do Not Call Register, meaning we may call telephone numbers listed on the Do Not Call Register to conduct opinion polling and standard questionnaire-based research. We are not telemarketers, we are not selling a product and we do not provide your name or contact information to any other parties. 


The phone numbers we dial are either:

  • Randomly generated by computer, using known telephone exchange prefixes
  • Randomly selected from available telephone directories
  • Provided to us by our clients.

Master template test 2

Sample text goes here.

Master template test 2

Sample text goes here.
