الصحة +
The Third Australian Study of Health and Relationships (ASHR3) is a significant national study that aims to understand the current sexual health and relationships of the Australian population and how this may have changed over time. This study is an opportunity for people who participated in the main ASHR3 survey to complete a follow up online survey to help the researchers further understand sexual and reproductive health in Australia.
يتم إجراء هذا البحث من أجل Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales بواسطة مركز البحوث الاجتماعية.
The aim of the follow up survey is to collect further information on Australians’ sexual and reproductive health.
The follow up survey is an online survey that will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
نموذج مشروع رئيسي 2: البصيرة 1. 25% من … قل أن … هذا اختبار.
نموذج المشروع الرئيسي 2: من بين أولئك الذين شاركوا في الأنشطة، كان حوالي 1 من كل 5 يمثلون بلدتهم أو مدينتهم أو ولايتهم.
1 من 10
نموذج مشروع الماجستير: اتجاه تصاعدي في اهتمام الطلاب بـ x و y و z وذكر 1 من كل 10 طلاب أن هذه كانت مجرد عينة من الأفكار.
أ ب ج
من يقوم بتوظيف ذوي الإعاقة؟
أ ب ج
من يقوم بتوظيف ذوي الإعاقة؟
أ ب ج
من يقوم بتوظيف ذوي الإعاقة؟
اسم التقرير
سيتم وضع نص عنوان التقرير الموسع هنا.
تقرير التحليل الكامل
التعرض وتأثير حرائق الغابات الأسترالية في عامي 2019 و2020 على المواقف
تقرير التحليل الكامل
التعرض وتأثير حرائق الغابات الأسترالية في عامي 2019 و2020 على المواقف
تقرير التحليل الكامل
التعرض وتأثير حرائق الغابات الأسترالية في عامي 2019 و2020 على المواقف
تقرير التحليل الكامل
التعرض وتأثير حرائق الغابات الأسترالية في عامي 2019 و2020 على المواقف
People who completed the main Third Australian Study of Health and Relationships survey by telephone and consented to be re-contacted, and all people who completed the main survey online are invited to complete the follow up survey.
By participating in this survey, you are helping to improve our understanding of Australians’ sexual health and relationships. Taking part in the survey is a unique opportunity to contribute to a very important piece of research that has real world impacts. Government funded policies and programs are developed and improved using findings from this study.
You will be sent an email or SMS inviting you take part in the online survey. It should take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. The survey will cover a range of topics similar to the first survey you completed, including questions about your sexual behaviours, relationships, and sexual and reproductive health.
You do not have to complete the survey in one sitting. Use the ‘Save & Close’ button to save your response and return to the original survey link in your email or SMS to continue.
مركز البحوث الاجتماعية
1800 023 040
Do I have to take part in the survey?
Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and you may, without negative consequences, decline to take part or withdraw from participation without providing an explanation at any time during the survey.
Where can I see the results of the survey?
You can visit the ASHR3 website for further information about the study and for the results when they are published.
كيف يتم حماية خصوصيتي؟
Your privacy is protected by law and your responses are kept safe in line with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The data will be collected, made confidential and securely stored by the Social Research Centre (a subsidiary of the Australian National University) and at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).
The data will be analysed and results reported at an aggregate level only (without identifying individuals) by the research team at UNSW. Along with published reports, results will be communicated in the media and used for further academic research.
Are there any risks involved?
We do not expect there will be any risks or costs associated with taking part in the survey. However, some participants may feel uncomfortable discussing their relationships and sexual health. If any of the questions raise concerns for you, we encourage you to seek support. Two key support services are 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) and Lifeline (13 11 14).
The Social Research Centre has a host of systems and processes in place to minimise the risk that third parties could access confidential data.
Has this study been approved by an ethics committee?
The ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the UNSW Human Research Ethics Committee (no HC210682). If you have any serious concerns or complaints about how this research has been conducted, please contact: UNSW Human Research Ethics Committee.
Phone: 09 9065 8305
بريد إلكتروني: humanethics@unsw.edu.au
Who can I contact for further information?
For any questions about the survey you can contact the Social Research Centre on 1800 023 040 or at ashrfollowup@srcentre.com.au.
Should you have any queries relating to participating in the research that have not been addressed on this page, you can contact the research team at the Kirby Institute using the below details.
Name: Ms Erin Ogilvie
موضع: Project Manager, ASHR3
Telephone: (02) 9385 0871
Email: eogilvie@kirby.unsw.edu.au
الأسئلة الشائعة العامة