Social Research Centre

Student Outcomes Survey 2024

Have you been contacted to participate?  

Research Areas

Education +

Project Status

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Large solid blue ellipse.
ܙܡܝܼܢܘܼܬܵܐ (ܟ̰ܝܵܕܬܵܐ)
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.
Large solid blue ellipse.

The Student Outcomes Survey is an annual survey that collects information on vocational education and training (VET) students nationally. The survey collects information on students’ reason for training, employment outcomes, satisfaction with training, and further study outcomes.


The survey is funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) and managed by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).



Aims + Outcomes

The Student Outcomes Survey aims to improve the social and economic outcomes of students who undertake VET courses in Australia. More information on this can be found at:

Student Outcomes Survey (


The Social Research Centre conducts the survey online by providing unique survey links distributed by email, SMS, or hard-copy letter depending on the contact streams available.



Master project template 2: insight 1. 25% of … say that … this is a test.


Master project template 2: Of those who were a part in activities, around 1 in 5 were representing their town, city or state.

1 in 10

Master project template: An upward trend in student interest in x,y,z and 1 in 10 students mentioned that this was a sample insight.


A man and woman with tattoos embrace on a sandy beach.
A hand-painted sign on grass.
Man smiling walking down stairs with blue reflective sunglasses on.


The results of the Student Outcomes Survey are available through the main survey website

Have you been contacted to participate?

Who participates?

The 2024 survey covers domestic students aged 15 years and over who have undertaken a VET course in 2023.

What are the benefits?

Based on experiences from VET students, institutions have been able to improve their courses and training for future students.

The results of this survey help students make informed training decisions and assist training providers and government to improve the quality and relevance of the training.

By completing the survey, participants can enter up to ten prize draws during the fieldwork period.

How does it work?

SRC will send out survey invitations in June via email, SMS, or hard-copy letter. The survey is an online self-completion survey and will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Telephone interviews are conducted with a selection of those who haven’t responded from July onwards.


Full Analysis Report (Population Health Test)

Full Analysis Report (Population Health Test)

How do we ensure privacy is protected?

The Social Research Centre complies with the Australian Privacy Principles. All personal contact information such as name, email and phone number is removed from the final data. Only aggregated data is used in the research findings.

Please see the SRC’s Privacy Policy

Get in touch

If you need assistance completing the survey, or have any questions relating to the survey please contact our helpdesk on:
Telephone: 1800 413 992 within Australia (free call)


Each prize draw is comprised of the following:

1st Prize1 x $1,000 Visa prepaid gift card drawn from the national pool
2nd Prize2 x $500 Visa prepaid gift card drawn from the national pool
3rd Prize8 x $250 Visa prepaid gift card drawn from the national pool

 All draws will be conducted at Level 5, 350 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000. Winners will be identified through a manual draw.

 Winners will be notified by telephone and in writing via email, then by telephone within seven days of the relevant draw. The names and state of residence of all winners will be published online at

Permit numbers:

NSW Permit number:  TP/01891

SA Permit number: T24/661

ACT Permit number: TP 23/00964 (1 July 2023- 30 June 2024)

TP 24_00728 (1 July 2024- 30 June 2025)

For more information on the Student Outcomes Survey, including the prize draw T&C’s, please see here.
